Welcome to the Aircraft Blog! My name is Thomas Dunbar and I am the author of this blog. Here I write about airplanes, helicopters, dirigibles and other types of air transport. From my articles you will learn about the history of the formation of flying machines, their types and many interesting facts!
A zeppelin, better known as a dirigible, is a controlled balloon powered by a propulsion system based on lightweight hydrogen or helium.
People who are seriously concerned with the history of flying machines determine that a device is an aircraft first and foremost on the basis of the ability of such a machine to lift a man into the air.
Currently the market is literally flooded with all kinds of helicopter models, from indoor “micro” and ending with gasoline and turbojet monsters.
The dream of human conquest of the air is reflected in the legends and tales of almost all peoples inhabiting the Earth.
An aircraft with a fixed wing is able to fly due to the lifting force generated by the aerodynamic shape of the fixed wing while moving forward at a certain speed